

среда, 11 апреля 2012 г.

Biography adriano celentano

It was all instinct, talent, frenzy. For many years, it creates an image of "shirt-guy" and loyal to him to this day [1].Dario Fo
 Childhood and adolescenceAdriano Celentano was born in Milan, January 6, 1938, on the street Gluck, 14 (Italian: Via Gluck, 14). He was the fifth child in the family, which moved from Apulia to the north in search of work. In Milan, Adriano spent his childhood and adolescence, and many years later, memories of this time will serve as the basis for the hit song Il ragazzo della via Gluck (Italian: The guy from the street Gluck), which has been translated into several languages ​​and included in the school curriculum. With twelve years of Adriano combined his studies with work vchasovoy apprentice workshop. During this period he began to show interest in music, in particular, to rock and roll, which, like many other young Italians, he heard in 1955, the show of the film "Blackboard Jungle", the soundtrack is a song «Rock Around The Clock »Bill Haley. Inspired by this example Celentano founded his own rock band «Rock Boys». Musical career The Festival of San Remo and the Clan CelentanoSoon, Adriano and «Rock Boys» took part in the "First Italian festival of rock and roll", held on May 18, 1957 at the Ice Palace in Milan. The competition was attended by many Italian rock band, each of which was to submit to the jury three or four songs (very short, in some cases up to two minutes of the game). «Rock Boys» made with the song Ciao ti dirò (Giorgio Gaber authors Tenko and Luigi), which had extraordinary success with the public.In 1958, Adriano won the festival of light music in the city of Ancona, performing the song Il tuo bacio è come un rock. In 1960, Adriano sent to military service in the town of Casale Monferrato, and then in Turin. In February 1961 he took part in the Festival of San Remo - which required a special permit, signed by Defense Minister Giulio Andreotti - the song Ventiquattromila baci (Italian: 24,000 Kisses), which receives only the second place. Despite this Ventiquattromila baci rose to the top of the charts and has sold half a million copies within weeks. December 19 of that year, Adriano Celentano creates his own record label - «Clan Celentano» («Clan Celentano"). First record Stai lontana da me (1962), released under the label, has sold 1.3 million copies.In 1966, five years later, Adriano decides to return to the Festival of Sanremo with the song Il ragazzo della via Gluck (Italian: The guy from the street Gluck). Although the song has not received any awards, it sold 1.5 million copies of singles from her record. At the Festival of San Remo in 1968 with the song Canzone Adriano took only third place - but again, the first places in the charts. In 1970 he finally won, singing a duet with his wife, actress Claudia Mori, Chi non lavora non fa l'amore.AzzurroIn 1968 «Clan» lets the album Azzurro / Una carezza in un pugno. Song Azzurro (Italian: Blue) from the album, the music written by the Paolo Conte, was one of the most popular in the repertoire of Adriano Celentano. For example, fans of the Italian national team in football, which is called «gli azzurri» (Italian: blue) chose «Azzurro» as neofitsialnogogimna for World Cup 2006. Paolo Conte also wrote the music for the song La coppia più bella del mondo (Italian: The most beautiful couple in the world), which was published in 1967 as a single, and sung in a duet with Claudia Mori.1970, SoliIn the 70's became popular singles Un albero di trenta piani, Prisencolinensinainciusol, Bellissima, Ti avro, Soli, Il tempo se ne va. Composition Prisencolinensinainciusol - a song of nonsense made-up words that do not refer to [2], which symbolizes the alienation of people who are unable to understand each other, and marks the recitative, which can be regarded as one of the first rap experiments [2] - has long remained in the upper lines of the European charts and hit the American pop charts. At the end of 2009 the composition stalainternet-meme [3]. In 1979, the album Soli (Italian: Alone) - one of the most popular albums, Adriano Celentano, created in collaboration with Toto Cutugno. The album stayed on top of the Italian hit parade of 58 weeks [2]. In the same 1979 concert tour was Adriano, who gathered at stadiums across the country, followed by a live album was released Me Live! [2]. Period 1980-x-1990-x's.The most notable works of this period were the albums I miei americani (1984), I miei americani 2 (1986), representing a collection of cover songs of famous English artists such as The Beatles, The Platters, Little Richard and others, Mina Celentano ( 1998), recorded with singer Mina, and Io non so parlar d'amore (1999), which sold two million copies.In 1987, Adriano Celentano, along with Claudia Mori arrives (even aerophobia) to the Soviet Union for the premiere of his film "Joan lui: once on Monday, I will come to this land." He gives two concerts in Moscow at the sports complex "Olympic" [4] [5], which became his first concerts after eight years. Central televideniezapisalo TV version of the concert. In 1991, the disc goes Il re degli ignoranti (Italian: King of fools.) In 1996 Celentano, in collaboration with the composer Carlo Mazzoni, released the album Arrivano gli uomini, consisting of 10 tracks. 2000s, ConfessaIn 2000, Adriano writes and produces music album Esco di rado e parlo ancora meno, consisting of 11 tracks. In this album will support on the channel Rai Uno in 2001, emerged from the TV show Adriano Celentano - "125 milioni di cazzate», in a relaxed means "125 tons of selected garbage."In 2002 a new album - Per sempre. The disc was a great success, in particular, the composition Confessa, on which was also filmed video of the same name.In 2004 he published a CD with the album C'è sempre un motivo. The album was made about 500 thousand pre-orders, which confirmed the popularity of Adriano Celentano.The album includes a previously unpublished song Lunfardia [6], the famous Italian Fabrizio De Andre Bard, written shortly before his death, and a remake of «Il ragazzo della via Gluck», filled with Cesaria Evora in the musical rhythms of Cape Verde - an album he called Quel casinha, and the original text is replaced by a new, written in Creole. The music is a blend of genres such as pop and rock music and jazz.Another proof of the popularity Celentano became anthological collection Unicamente Celentano, released in November 2006 - 6 months has sold over 500 thousand copies. [7]In 2007 Celentano released his 40th album - Dormi amore, la situazione non è buona.New album in two months was the fourth platinum disc in the arsenal of the performer. In connection with the release of this album, November 26, 2007 on television channel Rai Uno TV show there is a new Adriano Celentano - «La Situazione di mia sorella non è buona». The program had been affected by the problem of nuclear power plants.In 2008 he published a new two-disc collection - L'animale, which includes Canzoni d'amore (Italian: Songs of Love) and Canzoni contro (Italian: Songs against). Just a new CD-compilation includes 28 tracks Celentano, among them two new songs. Also in this album entered the 11-minute composition of the Chernobyl problem - Sognando Chernobyl (Italian: Dreams of Chernobyl). As it was filmed a music video. 2010s, Facciamo finta che sia veroAfter a four-year break, October 21, 2011 on iTunes appears single Non ti accorgevi di me with a new album - Facciamo finta che sia vero. November 25, 2011 Claudia Moridala press conference on the release of new album [8]. The new disc was released November 29. [9] December 2 was released a second single, «Non so più cosa fare».On the creation of Franco Battiato drive to work, and Giuliano Dzhovanotti Sandzhordzhi [10]. Originally planned for a simultaneous output of the disc and the animated film "Adrian", where the Celentano serves as a director and artistic director, at the beginning of 2012, as they were supposed to be a constituent of history. Two weeks after the release has sold 200,000 copies of the album in Italy. The disc became the fifth platinum album in the works of singer [11].December 3, 2011 Adriano made in Genoa, where he sang two songs [12] [13]. The concert was broadcast live on YouTube. December 11 released video for the song «Non so più cosa fare» from the new album [14]. Its premiere took place on television during the show «Che tempo che fa» [15]. San Remo 2012February 14, 2012 Adriano Celentano spoke at the opening of the festival of Italian song "San Remo" [16], where he performed several songs, including the new [17]. His appearance on stage was not confirmed until the last moment, and he did not participate in any rehearsals [18]. In addition, the first RAI did not approve of the idea of ​​his speech, because the singer has recently criticized the Italian authorities [19].Nevertheless, the performance Celentano was the most anticipated and has become the main "highlight" of the festival.Before his speech the audience was shown pyrotechnic overture, as well as fragments of the film "Enemy at the Gates" of the Battle of Stalingrad. During the speech, which lasted about fifty minutes, Celentano spoke about the European crisis, the problems of Italian technical government, the referendum, the Constitutional Court and the censorship of television RAI, which organizes and displays a live festival. Together with the Celentano were also a leading festival and Gianni Morandi Pupo. Speech Celentano has caused a wide resonance in the Italian media, which served as the cause of a number of harsh statements against Adriano Catholic magazine «Famiglia Cristiana» [20].A February 18, 2012 Celentano spoke at the closing of the festival "San Remo", performing three songs, two of which - from his new album, [21].CinemaAdriano has appeared in 41 film. Home Celentano film career coincided with the beginning of his musical activities - in 1959 he starred in his first film - "Children and the jukebox," Lucio Fulci, and the following year - in the film by Federico Fellini's "Dolce Vita" in a cameo rock singer. His directorial debut was the film "Superograblenie in Milan" (1965), where he and Claudia Mori played a major role.In 1975, the film goes "Yuppi-doo", where Adriano made both director and leading man.The film gained great popularity with the public, and in 2008 it was restored and released on DVD along with the remastered CD with the soundtrack to the film. Also, the restored version of the film was shown at the Venice Film Festival September 65, 2008. Among the favorite actor Adriano Celentano significantly distinguished the famous actor and director Raj Kapoor, whom he copied in the movie "Ace."Became a very successful collaboration with the creative duo Adriano Castellano and Pipolo, which resulted in the comedy "The Taming of the Shrew," "Madly in love," "Ace", etc. His partners were on the set of Anthony Quinn ("Bluff") Ornella Muti (" The Taming of the Shrew, "" Madly in love "), Paolo Village (" Under any sign ") and Carole Bouquet (" Bingo Bongo ").Television and Rockpolitik
Adriano Celentano and Gerard DepardieuAt various times, Celentano led several television programs broadcast in the first public television channel in Italy (Italian: «Rai Uno»).In 1987 he was leading the transfer of «Fantastico 8". In one of the editions of this broadcast, published on the eve of the referendum to ban hunting in Italy, Adriano urged viewers to give up hunting animals. As a result, ballots were invalid (because the campaign before the vote is prohibited), and lead, which was threatened by Italian law a prison, the state paid two hundred million lire [22].In 1999 came four episodes of the program «Francamente me ne infischio» (Italian: To tell you the truth - I do not care), which discussed the social and musical themes. Guests of the transfer were such famous people as Joe Cocker, Gianni Morandi, David Bowie, and Goran Bregovic.In 2001, Italian television TV show came out with Adriano Celentano - "125 milioni di cazzate» (Italian: 125 million selective garbage).In October 2005, kicked off the show «Rockpolitik» (Italian: Rokpolitik) (four episodes, each of which has collected on average 48% of the audience) [23]. All issues of the program opened to the accompaniment of an electric guitar that simvolilizirovalo ideological concept of the transfer - "division of the world" to "rock and tape" (Italian rock e lento). In this program, Celentano, along with his guests discussed, sometimes in a satirical vein, social and political issues and criticized the government (mainly Silvio Berlusconi, in connection with its pressure on the media) [7]. Guests of the TV show became well-known actors (Gerard Depardieu, Roberto Benigni), musicians (Eros Ramazzotti) and politics (Michele Santoro) [24].In 2007, in support of new album «Dormi amore, la situazione non è buona», published telecast «La Situazione di mia sorella non è buona» (Italian: With my sister is not all right).In autumn 2009 on Channel TV show came out - "Meet - Adriano!" Dedicated to the artist.[Edit] Collaboration with other artistsAdriano Celentano singing a duet with Cesaria Evora (Quel casinha), Mina Mazzini (Acqua e sale; Brivido felino; Che t'aggia di '; Dolce fuoco dell'amore; Io non volevo; Messaggio d'amore; Sempre sempre sempre; Specchi riflessi), Nada (Il figlio del dolore), Franco Battiato (Facciamo finta che sia vero).

Adriano Celentano and Claudia Moriv 1970Family and personal lifeAdriano Celentano is married (to July 14, 1964), the actress Claudia (Claudia Mori) [25] - they played together in the film "a strange type of" on the set of which was their acquaintance. Claudia also serves as Executive Director of the company «Clan Celentano». They troedetey [26]: Rosita (Rosita), Giacomo (Giacomo) and Rosalind (Rosalinda). In 2006, Giacomo Celentano was born the son of Samuel (Samuele), currently the only grandson of Adriano and Claudia. By Adriano religion - Catholic.Celentano is interested in football and is a fan zamilansky "Inter".Since 2005, Adriano is a vegetarian and advocates of animal rights (in his own words, except sostavlyayutnasekomye) [27]. Celentano points out the following benefits of vegetarianism: health, the impact on the industry of "holocaust" of conscious beings, able to declare that "not because of my lambs and goats slaughtered in the slaughterhouses at Christmas and Easter," [27].Political viewsApril 29, 2011 Celentano wrote a letter to a newspaper Fatto Quotidiano, which quite sharply criticized Berlusconi [28] and accused him of lying [29], claiming that Berlusconi can not control the big country [30]. Also, in a letter urged the Italians Adriano to take part in the referendum [31], which was to be held June 12 in the Apennines [32].Berlusconi resigned on November 13, 2011 [33].DiscographyMain article: Adriano Celentano Discography 1960 - Adriano Celentano con Giulio Libano e la sua orchestra 1960 - Furore 1962 - Peppermint twist 1963 - A New Orleans 1965 - Non mi dir 1966 - La festa 1966 - Il ragazzo della via Gluck 1968 - Azzurro / Una carezza in un pugno 1968 - Adriano Rock 1969 - Le robe che ha detto Adriano 1970 - Il forestiero 1971 - Er più - Storia d'amore e di coltello 1972 - I mali del secolo 1973 - Nostalrock 1975 - Yuppi du 1976 - Svalutation 1977 - Disco dance 1977 - Tecadisk 1978 - Ti avrò 1978 - Geppo il folle 1979 - Soli 1980 - Un po 'artista un po' no 1981 - Deus 1982 - Uh ... uh ... 1983 - Atmosfera 1984 - I miei americani 1985 - Joan Lui 1986 - I miei americani 2 1987 - La pubblica ottusità 1991 - Il re degli ignoranti 1994 - Quel punto 1996 - Arrivano gli uomini 1998 - Mina Celentano 1999 - Io non so parlar d'amore 2000 - Esco di rado e parlo ancora meno 2002 - Per sempre 2004 - C'è sempre un motivo 2005 - L'indiano (single) 2007 - Dormi amore, la situazione non è buona 2007 - Fantastica / La mia storia ... 2008 - L'animale 2011 - Facciamo finta che sia vero[Edit] Issued clips 1991 - Il re degli ignoranti [34]; 1991 - Fuoco [35]; 1994 - Il ragazzo della via Gluck [36]; 1998 - Che t'aggia di '[37]; 1999 - Gelosia [38]; 1999 - L'emozione non ha voce [39]; 1999 - L'arcobaleno [40]; 2000 - Per averti [41]; 2000 - Quello che non ti ho detto mai [42]; 2002 - Confessa [43] [44]; 2002 - Mi fa male [45]; 2002 - Per sempre [46]; 2002 - I passi che facciamo [47]; 2002 - Per vivere [48]; 2004 - C'è Sempre Un Motivo [49]; 2004 - Lunfardia [50]; 2004 - Quel Casinha [51]; 2007 - Fiori [52]; 2008 - Sognando Chernobyl [53]; 2011 - Non so più cosa fare [14]. FilmographyFilms in bold are the work of director Adriano.First Russian name title role1959f Children and jukeboxRagazzi del Juke-Box Adriano1959p Come on, Johnny, go! [54]Go, Johnny, Go! Singer1960f Screamers trialUrlatori alla sbarra Adriano1960f jukebox cries of loveJuke box urli d'amore Singer1960f Sweet LifeLa Dolce Vita Rock Singer1961p Hey, let's twistHey, Let's Twist1961f I kiss you kiss ...Io bacio ... tu baci1963f The monk from MonzaIl monaco di Monza Fake Monk1963p an odd type ofUno strano tipo cameo1965f Superograblenie in MilanSuper rapina a Milano, Sergio1966f Europe singing [55]Europa canta Singer1968f The most beautiful couple in the world [56]La Più bella coppia del mondo1969f SerafinoSerafino Serafino Fiorina1971f The story of love and knivesEr Più - storia d'amore e di coltello Nino1972f White, red and ...Bianco rosso e ... Anibal Pezzi1973f EmigrantL'emigrante Peppino Cavallo1973f RugantinoRugantino Rugantino1973ip Five daysLe cinque giornate Kainatstso1974f Yuppi-dooYuppi Du Felice1975f Under the sign of someDi che segno sei? Alfredo1976f The noble Venetian, known as "striped ass"Culastrisce nobile veneziano Sprint Boss1976f BluffBluff - storia di truffe e di imbroglioni Felix1977f Unlucky paparazziEcco noi per esempio Click Photographer1977Save £, she loves me!L'altra metà del cielo priest Vincenzo Ferrari1978f Madness JappGeppo il folle Madman Japp1978f Uncle Adolph, nicknamed FuehrerZio Adolfo in arte Führer German / Gustav1979f Silky HandsMani di velluto Guido Kviler1980f Hostess of the InnLa locandiera misogynist1980Here is a hand fQua la mano priest-dancer1980p Saturday, Sunday and FridaySabato, domenica e venerdì Constantine1980f Taming of the ShrewIl Bisbetico Domato Elia Codon1981Madly in love fInnamorato pazzo Barnaba Chikin1981f aceAce Asso1982p-Bingo BongoBingo Bongo Bingo Bongo1982f The Grand Hotel "Excelsior"Grand Hotel Excelsior Hotel Manager Thaddeus1983f Special features: Irresistible handsomeSegni particolari: bellissimo Mattia1983f Sing SingSing Sing Alfredo1984It is worse than I fLui è peggio di me Leonardo1985Joan f luiJoan Joan Lui lui1986f GrumblerIl burbero Tito Torrizi1992p JackpotJackpot Furio2000-2001Inspector of Gluck [57]L'ispettore Gluck Inspector

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