

понедельник, 16 апреля 2012 г.

Biography andriano celentano

Adriano Celentano

In my heart I - WatchmakerAll universities Artist - 5 elementary school and a workshop watchmaker. But before that, a brilliant self-taught masters of cinema remove his hat. This is Adriano Celentano.Idol of the Italian and Russian women recognized that loves to bake muffins, repair watches and longs to live "a quiet life of an ordinary man." The famous Italian actor and singer Adriano Chelentanomnogo years at the zenith of popularity.Adriano was born in 1938 on the outskirts of Milan, the son of poor peasants. His first dream was realized, "make lots of money to ensure that all his family," who came to Milan in search of work and luck. In the evening, a large family Celentano went out on the porch and sang Italian folk songs. But Adriano was sitting on the sidelines and listened: the nature of the weak light, as well as an elephant, who, in his opinion, came in his ear at an early age, kids were not allowed to participate in public concerts.After finishing fifth grade, Adriano gave up his studies and, as it turned out, forever - a rare bad guy was thinking in the classroom and did not want to do! Much more interesting than it seemed a watchmaker profession, which he mastered while working as an apprentice with his uncle. Maybe Adriano had his whole life to fix hundreds of alarms in Milan, if not music shop opposite the shop. In its window was splashed photos of Elvis Presley, and indifferent to the music of young man every day lingered beside him longer and longer. Now, in the evenings after work, Adriano has come away with a guitar the outskirts, where the gently strumming, humming songs of Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis.The man on the springsHe later successfully parodied the young singer Louis Prima, on which was superficially similar, in an amateur play-vaudeville. Some manager suggested that he try his hand at the professional stage, and Adriano was invited to the amateur contests ... After 4 years of the lyrics he was writing bosom friend of Michele Del Prete. And three years later a watchmaker Adriano won the European competition of rock 'n' roll at the Milan Palace of Sports "Kyachcho" and decided to submit to the jury and the audience of his own song "I'll tell you," Chao ", complete with an original" pure chelentanovskoy "plastic. For her, the guy and got his first in my life, "title" - "Man on the springs."Adriano became a celebrity in your street Gluck! As soon as he get out of a taxi as he was surrounded by a huge crowd of onlookers, half of whom immediately strove to join him in by relatives. This went on for as long as Adriano did not get to the hospital with a diagnosis of "nervous exhaustion". Again, under the windows of his house crowds of admirers. The days dragged on, Adriano is not discharged, the doctors about his health did not apply, and the number of fans began to gradually decrease. Finally the day came when the health of an idol no one came to know ... Only some time later in the day of discharge from the head doctor Celentano heard: "If you knew what was going on! Such crowds have never been here! "'What happened?" - Adriano inquired. "Some journalists wrote that you were dead in our hospital. And the whole town came to say goodbye to you! "After great success at the festival in San Remo in 1961, he established his own record company - "Clan Celentano." Now this firm are publishers, booking agency, studio video and audio recordings. Later, many artists, such as "The Beatles", "Rolling Stones", so as not to depend on the producers and the demands of fashion, have chosen to create their own companies, and in the early 60s such an act was bold and unusual.
Beauty and the BeastThe famous contest "Kantsonissimo" 1962 Celentano presented his song "You're far away from me» («Stai lontana da me»), and won, then went on tour in France and Spain, where he first had the opportunity to appear on television with a series of their own show. In 1963 Adriano was invited to appear in the film "Strange type." Beautiful Roman woman Claudia Moroni, also known as a movie, Claudia Mori, early became famous: very young, she starred in films that became classics. However, in the tape, "a strange type of" Claudia came with great difficulty: in the course went fine blackmail, bribery, communication and personal charm, which nature has generously endowed 18-year-old beauty. Claudia auditioned for the role of all the female film director went to Fulci on his heels, and had nearly caused his break with his wife.At the first meeting with Fulci Adriano came in a dirty shirt, unbuttoned at the chest vulgar, a little black cap pulled down to the most eyes, slapping
on bare feet, and with a guitar under his arm. At the request of the director to talk about himself, he did not answer immediately, and in a strange way: "I am - a fan of God came to earth to guard its interests." But it is precisely such a "strange types" Fulci was looking for a few months!For the first time Claudia was late to shoot as much as 40 minutes. Then he accidentally stepped on the cord, there was a short circuit, a spotlight exploded and shards Celentano scratched his forehead and right cheek. Claudia ran to him to apologize and wiped the blood off his face, his handkerchief ... A few minutes later a couple of already being discussed in the crew café, and then a long kiss in the wardrobe.They were married July 14, 1964. The wedding itself could become the script for the comedy. To get rid of the pesky paparazzi lovers were married at 3 o'clock in the morning. Witnesses asleep on the go. At the groom had a headache. Before you enter the church, the couple quarreled - the bride did not like the tie of her future husband! By the way, Claudia after the wedding took "image" Celentano. From now on, Adriano had to dress even more tasteless, vulgar and flashy. On the secular parties, he came to the blue-green shirt, unbuttoned at the hairy chest, boots, high heels, and his left eye was heavily circled in purple shadows.

Suicide ScandalIn order to maintain the style worked out Adriano did not hesitate scandals. Once he has paralyzed traffic in the center of Rome - came out on the highway in a white suit, black hat and began to waltz. A little later at the police station he confessed that he was rehearsing a scene from the new movie. Not surprisingly, tickets for the picture which appeared soon were sold on the first day - all eager to see how well they danced it "Celentano strange!"But the apogee of publicity stunts was "suicide." Adriano for no apparent reason cleverly pretended Anna Karenina of our days and rested his head on the rails. Reporters all the leading newspapers, as well as crews from several countries were trying to elicit the reasons for going on a couple stars, which desperately wring their hands in front of television cameras. And she only scolded her husband's last words, and urged him to immediately get up from the track. Only when he heard the approaching train whistle, Celentano jumped up and with tears in his eyes rushed into the arms of his wife.When Claudia gave birth to first daughter in the best clinic in Rome, Adriano, being at this time on tour in France, five hours hanging on the phone, and on his return threw his wife and staff of flowers, photographed a newborn face and signed on the back of the card: "My sweet angel Rosita ". Photo went around the world. A little later came the son of Giacomo and her daughter Rosalind. Adriano's adored children. The villa has become a zoo, where they lived rabbits, cats, dogs, parrots, horses. Adriano himself baked sponge cakes for birthdays of children, and his photo in the apron again and again flashed in all the fashionable women's magazines."The most beautiful couple on earth"Adriano has produced over 30 albums total circulation of 70 million and starred in 40 films. Of the most famous films - reel of film by Federico Fellini, "La Dolce Vita» - «La Dolce vita» (1960). Komedii "The Taming of the Shrew," "Bluffing," "Madly in love" made him the star of the screen. But in the first place for him is still a family. He lives at his villa in Brianza, which is 100 kilometers from Milan, and in his spare time involved in repairing watches. His house has everything you need for a life of luxury swimming pool, lawn tennis court, soccer field, a stable, recording studio and ... concrete fountain with a sculpture that depicts Claudia. Now she plays a single role - housewife and her husband's muse. Adriano even dedicated her song "The most beautiful couple on earth." Indeed, among other things, Claudia knows only how to cook your favorite dishes Celentano - turtle soup with saffron, scrambled eggs with truffles and delicious blackberry cream!FACTSMore than ten years, Celentano not seen on the TV screen. The actor explains it simply: "Let people admire in what was once the great movies filmed Celentano, rather than start spitting: so that he is starving, is it - why has agreed to play in such a nightmare?"***More than 20 years ago, Celentano was a concert in Moscow. It is no secret that in Russia he was invited to sing not only in the large concert hall, but just for private parties in Siberia. Recently, Adriano Celentano, no amount of money does not agree to come to Russia. It turns out that he has the fear of airplanes. There was even an idea to bring Celentano ship to Odessa, and thence by rail to the Russian capital. But the singer also rejected it.***How Adriano earned for films and plates, is problematic to calculate, but the current prices for performances - it is no secret. For example, for speaking at a private party in Moscow, Shakira and Christina Aguilera got $ 1 million. Fees Celine Dion and Adriano Celentano reach $ 2 million.***Adriano loves to spend time in the kitchen. "The majority of household chores, of course, not on me, but if I try, then concocted a terrific dinner, otherwise what am I Italian? Bake muffins - even sacred duty, "- said Adriano, who dreams of becoming a great-grandfather and give as little as possible interview.

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