

суббота, 14 апреля 2012 г.

Адриано Челентано (Adriano Celentano)

Films in the collection of 34 film (a TV show)Genre: ComedyCountry: ItalyStarring: Adriano (Adriano Celentano)Making package:Information about movies Adriano Celentano:
.________________________________________Content 12 DVD - ROM drive:DVD № 1 (4 movie)A. Sweet Life / La dolce vita, 1960 (2:47:01)Two. I kiss ... you kiss / Io bacio ... tu baci, 1961 (1:28:28)Construction magnate prevents small pub - a favorite meeting place for musicians. The unwillingness of the owner to sell it delayed the development of a new neighborhood. A young journalist (Mina Mazzini) - the daughter of the wealthy-strotelya, decides to help her father and comes to the inn. As befits a comedy - everything goes the opposite: a daughter, charmed musicians and their songs, to help them against their father.Three. A strange type / Strano tipo, Uno, 1963 (1:35:26)4. A monk from the Monza / Il monaco di Monza, 1963 (1:40:53)
DVD № 2 (3 films)A. Superograblenie in Milan / Super rapina a Milano, 1964 (1:41:33)Two. Serafino / Serafino, 1969 (1:28:00)After receiving an inheritance, Serafino (Adriano Celentano) distributes money to villagers, down the slope the car, resulting in the house is not prudent bride, Dawn, inheritance, and frivolous woman with lots of kids ...Three. The love story-and-dagger / Er piu: storia d'amore e di coltello, 1971 (1:40:27).
DVD № 3 (3 films)A. White, red and ... / Bianco, rosso e ..., 1972 (1:31:03)Two. Five Days in Milan / Le Cinque giornate, 1973 (1:56:06)Three. Rugantino / Rugantino, 1973 (1:45:06)In Rome, lived a beautiful girl Rosina. Her husband is strong as an ox, and jealous, as Shakespeare's Othello. Once a spouse kills a wealthy aristocrat, Rosina, who sang the serenade to his wife, and now in hiding from justice. From that moment on the scene cheerful Rugantino.
DVD № 4 (3 films)A. Emigrant / L'Emigrante, 1973 (1:34:48)Two. Under some sign (Zodiac signs, etc.) / Di che segno sei?, 1975 (2:08:59)Three. Yuppi Du / Yuppi Du, 1975 (1:45:03)Simulating a suicide, Sylvia tries rasstorgnut marriage with her husband Felice (Celentano) in order to live with the desired person. Later, she wants to return his son, who was born in a marriage with Felice. However, Felice had already married, but still wants to see Sylvia, as I have always loved her and wanted to live with her and her daughter.
DVD № 5 (3 films)A. A noble Venetian / Culastrisce nobile veneziano, 1976 (1:44:02)Two. Bluff (Soviet dub) / Bluff storia di truffe e di imbroglioni, 1976 (1:44:38)The magnificent duo Celentano and Quinn as two swindlers, who was familiar with the escape from a prison train. Adriano escaped, and Quinn had to stay. However, later serious people willing to shoot with no means unselfish purposes, forced him to return him to the "no place so remote," to finish the job.Three. The other half of the sky / L'altra meta del cielo, 1977 (1:31:15)
DVD № 6 (4 movies)A. Unlucky paparazzi / Ecco noi per esempio, 1977 (1:49:40)Two. Madman Japp / Geppo il folle, 1978 (1:49:26)Three. Uncle Adolph, nicknamed the Fuhrer / Zio adolfo in arte fuhrer, 1978 (1:29:11)An eccentric comedy starring famous singer, director and actor Adriano Celentano in the burlesque manner ridicules the life of Adolf Hitler. When the baby Adolf was still in the cradle, to him from a tree down a poisonous snake and was bitten by the future conqueror. The boy cried irritably and capricious, and was dead snakes in great agony.When Burger was over a beer, he made it out of the water. Ridiculed, and other sadists of the Third Reich, but in general everything.4. Jackpot / Jackpot, 1992 (1:45:59)
DVD № 7 (3 films)A. Velvet hands / Mani di velluto, 1979 (1:36:36)Engineer Guido invents a particularly strong glass, which allows owners to sleep jewelry stores. But this invention do not like thieves, and they send for a purpose charming girl to lure the inventor in his plans suddenly ryady.No scams collapse as a house of cards.The girl falls in love with irresistible Guido.Two. Saturday, Sunday and Friday / Sabato, domenica e venerdi, 1979 (1:49:15)Three. Landlady / LOCANDIERA, LA, 1980 (1:45:11)
DVD № 8 (2 films)A. Here is a hand / Give me your hand / Qua la mano, 1980 (1:58:30)Two. Madly in love / Innamorato pazzo, 1981 (1:36:59)Adriano Celentano - a bus driver in Rome, the rough, energetic fellow, and Ornella Muti - the beautiful princess of a small principality.
DVD № 9 (3 films)A. The Taming of the Shrew / Il bisbetico domato, 1980 (1:46:38)Farmer Elia, a confirmed bachelor, different coarse nature and hostile attitude toward the ladies. Once on a rainy night he has to shelter against the will at home beauty Lisa Silvestri - her car broke down as she drove past the village, where he lives Elia.Intrigued unsociable host, Lisa enters into a confrontation with him and trying to tame.Two. Ace / Asso, 1981 (1:30:50)Three. Special features: irresistible / Beauty / Segni particolari: bellissimo, 1983 (1:27:06)
DVD № 10 (3 films)A. Bingo Bongo / Bingo Bongo, 1982 (1:42:01)The story of the man who grew up in the jungle, and therefore, in the modern Milan feel ourselves to chimpanzees, nicknamed Bingo Bongo - even if it is dressed in a suit and tie. New Tarzan does not get lost in the urban jungles, conquering the heart of the beautiful Laura.Two. Grand Hotel Excelsior Grand hotel Excelsior, 1982 (1:50:28)Three. Sing Sing / Sing Sing, 1983 (1:50:10)
DVD № 11 (3 films)A. It is worse than me Incredible Adventures of Leonardo and Luciano / Lui e peggio di me, 1985 (1:40:54)Two. Joan lui / Joan Lui, 1985 (2:34:31)Three. Grumbler / Il Burbero, 1986 (1:40:20)He - a lawyer who flew from New York to Florence, disappointed in the affairs of a temporary setback, but full of hope for the successful completion of another lawsuit. She - a cafe waitress, Italian on his father's side, flying the same route, in response to a call of her husband. The piquancy of the situation was the fact that the lawyer had two tickets for the plane was flying at once, but the waitress did not have one, for it is not ordered a travel advance.
DVD № 12 (the TV show, DVD-Video, Mpeg-2)A. La Situazione Di Mia Sorella Non E Buona, 2007 (1:21:41)No translation into Russian, no subtitles. Present for the fans!TV shows from Adriano Celentano, published November 26, 2007 on the channel Rai Uno, which have been affected by some problems of nuclear power plants, a little politics, a little music. All the songs in this show, came in just released a new album, "DORMI AMORE la situazione non e buona". Album Release Date November 23, 2007.
LA SITUAZIONE DI MIA SORELLA NON E BUONA (DVD Video)Year: 2007Country: ItalyGenre: PopDuration: 1:21:41
Format: DVD VideoVideo codec: MPEG2Audio codec: AC3Video: PAL 4:3 (720x576) VBRAudio: Italiano (Dolby AC3, 2 ch) / Audio # 1: AC3, 2/0 ch, 192Kbps, Delay 0 mSec
Directed by: Adriano, Paolo BeldyWritten by: Adriano Celentano, Claudio Fasulo, Riccardo Piferi
Members: Adriano Celentano / Adriano Celentano, Fabio Fazio / Fabio Fazio, Mickey Del Prete / Miki del Prete, Kansoli Carmen / Carmen Consoli, Gianni Bella / Gianni Bella, Mogul / Mogol, Kiatti Laura / Laura Chiatti, Francesco Tricarico / Francesco Tricarico, Stefano di Battista / Stefano di Battista, etc.
Song:"Hai bucato la mia vita""Dormi amore""La situazione non e buona""Anna Magnani"Production of "Rai uno" with Clan Celentano SRL and Ballandi Entertainment S.P.A.The entire transmission is in Italian.________________________________________
Biography of Adriano Celentano (Adriano Celentano)
Profession: singer, songwriter, actor, directorDate of Birth: January 6, 1938Country of birth: ItalyThe city of Birth: north of Milan, in the working-class neighborhoods, the street GluckTo learn more about the actor, can be found on Wikipedia
Adriano Celentano (Adriano Celentano) - Italian singer, songwriter, actor and director."Senor Boof" - this refers to the press.
He was born January 6, 1938 in the north of Milan in the working-class neighborhoods, the street Gluck (composer Christoph Willibald Gluck (Cristoforo Gluck), in the family poor Apulian peasants. They came from the south in search of work and luck. Family was friendly and very musical. Probably , Adriano fond of music than others - much more interesting it seemed to him, a teenager, the profession of a watchmaker, which he mastered while working in the studio of his uncle. not finishing school, Adriano from twelve years began working as an apprentice in a watch repair shop.
He began to invite to amateur contests, and in 1950 he played his first two "smash hit."This is a time rock 'n' roll and Celentano, like many others began to imitate the masters of this school, such as Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis. He sang songs from their repertoire, accompanying himself on guitar.
In 1954, Adriano has already composes and performs his own songs.
It should be noted, moreover, the natural plasticity of Adriano, which is very important for a performer of rock 'n' roll. No wonder that Adriano was called "Molledzhato» (Molleggiato) - «all on springs."
In 1958 he won the festival of light music in the port city of Ancona (Ancona), singing "Your kiss, like a rock." In 1959 he performed the song "Rebel," which became famous, and which gave him the name of the accompanying ensemble. Since then, Celentano recognized rock 'n' rollschik "Italy. After that, Adriano signed a contract with a German record company "Jolly".
December 19, 1961 after great success at the festival in San Remo (second prize for the song "Twenty-Four Thousand Kisses» («24.000 baci»)), he organizes his own record company - "Clan Celentano» (Clan Celentano), gathering around him the musicians - friends of his youth.
After winning the 1962 contest at the famous "Kantadzhiro" where Celentano represented his song "You're far away from me» («Stai lontana da me»), he goes on a tour of France (successful performances at the famous Parisian music-hall "Olympia" ) and in Spain, where he first gets the opportunity to appear on television with a series of his own show.
In 1963, Adriano was in the movie "Some strange type» («Uno strano tipo») together with his future wife, a famous actress Claudia (Claudia Mori), real name is Claudia Moroni.
In 1964, July 14 Adriano Celentano and Claudia Mori married in the church of St..Francis (San Francesco) in Grosseto (Grosseto).
1966, many critics consider turning in the work of Celentano. In that year he arrived in San Remo with an autobiographical song about the fate of simple Milan Man - "Man in the street Gluck» («Il ragazzo della via Gluck»). Great sincerity of the song, critics and audiences were ecstatic - the first acute socio-political song and first song of Celentano, who went around the world.
In 1970, at the next festival in San Remo, A. Celentano, together with K. Mori, winning the top prize with her song "Who does not work, does not like." Over the years his songs have become more serious. "The supreme duty of the artist - to protest against injustice," - said Adriano.
More than forty years of his creative activity Celentano released over 30 albums with a total circulation of 70 million.
In addition to musical activities, Celentano, and is engaged in the cinema. In the 70 years he has often appeared in films and making films himself. He starred in four dozen films.From famous films - a film by Federico Fellini's "La Dolce Vita» («La Dolce vita», 1960). In these films, he plays himself - a fashionable singer, a rising star youth songs.And of course in his films, he sings.
Over time, become the main role, and movies are not related to music. "Create an image similar to their popular comedy characters - he is a simpleton and cunning, naive and wise at the same time," - talking about Adriano famous director Pietro Germi (Pietro Germi), creator of "Serafino» («Serafino», 1968). "In my work on screen, he continues to develop the character of the hero of his songs, and the home - in their nation.
He is so confident working on the set, trying so hard to get into all sides of filmmaking, which he soon became director. In the 70s and early 80s, and he always takes off in films. At one time there were such popular films:• «Superograblenie in Milan» - «Super rapina a Milano», (1964)• «Yuppi Doo» - «Yuppi du», (1974)• «Bluff» - «Bluff storia di truffe e di imbroglioni», (1977)• «The Taming of the Shrew» - «Il bisbetico domato», (1980)• «Bingo Bongo» - «Bingo-Bongo», (1982)• «Joan lui» - «Joan Lui», (1985)
At the time, for example, "The Taming of the Shrew" gathered at the box astronomical sum - 19 billion lire, coming in second place overall box office, and in first place among Italian films. "Bingo Bongo" has collected 15 billion, and "Grand Hotel" Excelsior »(« Grand Hotel Excelsior », 1982) - 16 billion lire, leaving behind many worthy examples of national cinema.
In the late 80's popularity began to wane Celentano. In order to somehow return to its former glory, he started on one of the leading Italian television own show. In 1987, Adriano went to the evening broadcast program "Fantastico". Home was a success, so Celentano every Saturday for a long time Italy hosted celebrities and neighboring states.The show was canceled just because Celentano interested in a new project - since 1999, along with actress Francesca Neri (Francesca Neri), he started a music show program (Francamente me ne infischio).
In the same year, 1987 reluctantly fear of flying, A. Celentano, together with K. Mori still flies to the Soviet Union, in particular Moscow, where he gives two concerts in the "Olympic". It was his first concerts after eight years. Here he presents his film "Joan lui: once on Monday, I will come to this land» - «Joan Lui».
In 1999 Celentano lives 100 miles (maybe 30 miles) from Milan, retired to his villa, along with his wife Claudia, repairing watches.
"I have two professions - said Adriano. - One thing I learned in my childhood, I - a watchmaker. Sorry, do not take the instruments, and would repair someone's watch ...My second lesson - an artist. This was the main thing. I use this craft to express that what I believe ... "
He has three children: Rosita (Rosita), Giacomo (Giacomo) and Rosalind (Rosalinda).

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